Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas 2007
Wow , did we have a really fun Christmas this year! It being Luke's 1st Christmas and all, we've got plenty of pictures to share. Take a look:!
Luke got all kinds of fun toys, new clothes and lots of love!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
The Bulebosh's
Luke got all kinds of fun toys, new clothes and lots of love!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
The Bulebosh's
Saturday, December 1, 2007
How Loud Can I Get
If you all need a good laugh, I just got done laughing so hard because Luke is starting to realize how loud he can get. He's just laughing and making all kinds of noises. It made my day :) We're going to have lots of fun this Christmas!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
3 or 4 teeth & Thanksgiving

We just discovered this morning that there are not just 1 or 2 teeth in Luke's mouth, but it looks like there are 3 or 4 in there! I guess it's good that we can get a bunch of them out of the way at the same time. He's been a real trooper though and seems to be managing the pain pretty well.
We had a great Thanksgiving and a great few days off. Luke enjoyed his first sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving. We're well into eating solids and he's doing really well.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
4.5 Month Update
Weighing in at 15 lbs. 14 oz. and 26.5" is Luke Bulebosh! Just had the little bruiser at the doctor's and he's growing fast. Dave and I were just looking at him the other night and couldn't get over how big he's gotten and that he's fast approaching 6 months! We also starting giving him cereal abouit 2 weeks ago and he loves it!

So we'll be introducing veggies and fruits soon. We've finally got the excezma under'll see how bad it was in some of the pics we took ( but it's all better now!
Luke is also really enjoying the Jumperoo. His head it getting much stronger but he still looks like a bobble head some of the time :)
We also just discovered this morning that he's got 2 teeth on the bottom about to pop thru. I knew they had to be coming because he's been drooling like a faucet and chewing on his hands. Plus he had a crying fit yesterday which is not like him!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Halloween - 4 months
We're battling a nasty case of excema on Luke's face. It's just so try and itching and not a whole lot you can do for it besides load him up with super thick lotion. (We're using the Eucerin Auqafor lostion) It seems to help, but the red spots just flare up. I think it bothers me more than Luke!
While we're talking about Halloween costumes, I've got to share some of the great pics I've gotten - they are too cute not to share:
- Avary (Tigger)
- Eli (monkey)
- Gracie (penquin)
- Jack (bumblebee)

The Baby Front
We've got lots of updates on the baby front! Michelle and Shawn had their daughter, Brooklyn Nicolette Ulery on 10/18. Andria and Jeff had their little girl on 10/22 - Katelyn Jae Slavick. Here's a pic of Kate :)
Luke and I got to meet Katelyn and she is just adorable & perfect! We'll hopefully be meeting Brooklyn next week. Luke's going to have a lot of girlfriends to choose from - ha!
And we're just waiting to hear about the arrival of little Harry Silvis. I got a text message from Anne yesterday (11/1) and they were in the hospital and hoping to meet their son by the end of the night!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Luke officially has a new Aunt
We had a fun-filled weekend for Jamie and Andrea's wedding and as Andrea said, "She's officially Luke's Aunt now!" The wedding was just awesome - I will get some pics up soon. Andrea's dress was one of the most unique and beautiful dresses I've ever seen and they make the perfect couple! Luke even came to the reception for a while to party.
It's been a crazy past few weeks with me going back to work. We found a great babysitter for Luke who lives down the street. And as all mom's know, it's the hardest thing in the world to leave them - it just takes time to get used to it (or so I'm being told!) We're lucky enough that I have a flexible job so I'm at home 2 days a week and my mom is watching Luke the other day.
We have been able to squeeze in a few fun actitivites despite our busy schedule. We took Luke to the pumpkin patch to pick his first pumpkin :) He looks excited doesn't he - ha ha!

Saturday, September 29, 2007
More video
Here's a new video of Luke on his activity mat and he shows us a nice big smile :) I'm loving taking these short videos...hope you're all enjoying them!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Our first full night of sleep :)
Well, our little angel decided to sleep 8 hrs last night - YEAH! As you can tell, I am a bit excited. I put him down a little before 10pm and he slept until 6am! I think maybe he knows mom has to go back to work and he's being nice to me and helping by sleeping thru the night. (And hopefully this continues!)
I start back to work on Oct. 1. Wow, did these 3 months go so fast. It's easily been the most enjoyable 3 months ever for me. The good thing is that I can work from home 2 days a week so we'll see how that works out.
Luke has recently discovered how the toys on his bouncy chair work and he is having so much fun making them move and make music. His facial expressions are the best, like he's surprised they are moving.
Daddy Dave has been super busy with football and school. Latrobe lost a really close one last night to Fox Chapel so I know Dave was a bit frustrated, but he was back up at 5:30am this morning to go back for more...he's so dedicated!

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
2 month update

We also went to our 1st Latrobe football game, out to dinner and camping for the day (told you we've been busy!)

Luke goes to the dr. tomorrow for his first round of shots - yuck. Luke has also been smiling away (but I'm not quick enough on the camera and have yet to capture one, but I'm working on it!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Luke's one month Dr. appt.
Our one month appointment at with Dr. Indorato went really well - Luke turns on the charm at the doctors office! He is officially weighing in at 10 lbs. 7 oz. and is 22" you can tell he's eating/nursing well and growing fast! Besides a slight case of cradle cap on his head and face, Luke is doing really well!
We've also noticed some actual smiles out of our little boy this week (not just the falling asleep twitch smile that we've seen previously!) It's just amazing how much he has grown in these last 6 weeks. I was just putting some pictures in a photo album and am just amazed at how different he looks! Dave and I are both still noticing characteristics from both of us so hopefully Luke will have features from both of us.
Luke went swimming last week too at Grammy's (swimming = toes in pool) - all of these firsts are so fun to watch and make happen. Grammy also got to give her first bottle to Luke which I think she thoroughly enjoyed.
We've also noticed some actual smiles out of our little boy this week (not just the falling asleep twitch smile that we've seen previously!) It's just amazing how much he has grown in these last 6 weeks. I was just putting some pictures in a photo album and am just amazed at how different he looks! Dave and I are both still noticing characteristics from both of us so hopefully Luke will have features from both of us.
Luke went swimming last week too at Grammy's (swimming = toes in pool) - all of these firsts are so fun to watch and make happen. Grammy also got to give her first bottle to Luke which I think she thoroughly enjoyed.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Luke's picture site
Ok, we're switching picture sites for Kodak to Shutterfly since Shutterfly has so many more options, especially our very own site for pictures so we don't have to email everyone pictures all the time...just stop by for updates @
1 month

As you can tell, we've been pretty busy with Luke and I haven't had a chance to post any new pics or updates...but, with Luke starting to sleep pretty well thru the night (stretching to almost 3.5-4 hr stretches) mom is feeling a bit more rested! We are all doing well and just enjoying the time off and amused daily by Luke! We go to the the Dr. this week on Wed for his one month appointment and we're anxious to see how much he's grown - we're guessing at least 2-3" and probably up to at least 10lbs. He's nursing well so that's been a plus in him growing so fast.
Dad is enjoying spending time w/ Luke before he starts football camp full time next week. Luke and I have been out in the sun and in the pool! Yep - we already took him in Grammy and Pappy's pool and he likes the water so that means he's definitley my child :)

We're also having fun doing prep for Andrea's bridal shower - can't wait for that! (And Luke is right at home with Aunt Andrea too - she's a pro!) And have to send out congrats to our friends Leanne and Tim who just got engaged over the weekend. We know that will be a big party for sure!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
July 1, 2007 - It's a Boy...Luke Andrew Bulebosh
Luke Andrew Bulebosh arrived on July 1, 2007 at 2:25pm. He weighed 6 lbs. and 14 oz. and is 20 in. long. Luke blessed Mommy with a quick delivery and the whole famly is doing well. We survived our 1st night at home so it's looking up! Thanks to everyone for your love, support and well wishes. We'll be sending more pictures soon.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Week 37 - June 20, 2007
After much procrastinating I am finally posting another picture of myself to show some of you how the belly has grown - enjoy :) Dave and I went on a tour of Magee Hospital tonight and for those of you who know how much I loooove hospitals (insert sarcastic tone here), you'll be happy to know I did well. It didn't have an overwhelming 'sick' smell since it's mainly baby business a Magee. That's probably why Magee is a wise choice for me! Only about 4 more weeks till my due date....I'd love to aim for a July 4th baby (this one's for you Jenny D!)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Week 36 - June 13, 2006
I now understand what they mean when they say you're going to get tired again in the 3rd trimester! I think I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping up w/ everything that needs done, but my concentration level isn't exactly there right now. For example, I should be working on a proposal for work right now and just can't focus...oh well, it will get done. I just want to make sure I have as much work related stuff organized before I'm off.
We've started the weekly dr. appointments every Mon. morning. The dr. said that it didn't look like the baby had dropped anymore from the previous week. Besides that, it's just the routine weigh in, blood pressure and measurement. And now that Dave is off school, he gets to go with me every Monday :)
Still no strong feeling whether it's a boy or a girl.
Since Dave's been off of school, he's been busy around the house finishing some landscaping, putting doors below the deck, planting our first garden, keeping the cars clean...but not to worry he's been able to get in some fishing time! He took his annual trip up to Coach Billett's cabin to do some fly fishing after school ended. I've kept my activities and cleanings mainly indoors since the heat is not my friend which is unusual for me (unless I'm in the pool.) I was able to get some pool time in at my Mom and Dad's on Sunday which was much needed. I love that weightless feeling in the pool - very nice. And I just keep trying to do little things in the baby's room. We've managed to clean out some of the closet in that room to make room for Baby B's things, but Dave and I still have some more organizing to do there!
We've started the weekly dr. appointments every Mon. morning. The dr. said that it didn't look like the baby had dropped anymore from the previous week. Besides that, it's just the routine weigh in, blood pressure and measurement. And now that Dave is off school, he gets to go with me every Monday :)
Still no strong feeling whether it's a boy or a girl.
Since Dave's been off of school, he's been busy around the house finishing some landscaping, putting doors below the deck, planting our first garden, keeping the cars clean...but not to worry he's been able to get in some fishing time! He took his annual trip up to Coach Billett's cabin to do some fly fishing after school ended. I've kept my activities and cleanings mainly indoors since the heat is not my friend which is unusual for me (unless I'm in the pool.) I was able to get some pool time in at my Mom and Dad's on Sunday which was much needed. I love that weightless feeling in the pool - very nice. And I just keep trying to do little things in the baby's room. We've managed to clean out some of the closet in that room to make room for Baby B's things, but Dave and I still have some more organizing to do there!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Week 33 - May 28, 2007
Happy Memorial Day! We're rounding out week 33 and headed into week 34 tomorrow - hard to believe Baby B's arrival is only about 6 weeks away. Wow - talk about time going fast! I'm definitely starting to get a bit more tired these days so I've been trying to rest more when I can. Dave and I were to some small things in the Baby's room this morning and wanted to show some updated pictures that show all of the goodies we got from the shower - it's really coming together nicely! Thanks to Aunt Denise and Uncle Mike, we have all of the matching furniture for the room!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Week 32 - May 21, 2007
Had a dr. appt this morning and all is moving right along as planned. The belly measured almost 32" which is right in line with me being about 32 weeks. Fun part is, I actually lost a pound from 2 weeks ago - yea! I'm up about a total of 20 lbs., so we'll see if we can keep it under 30 over the next 7-8 weeks. I met with Dr. Bishop today (young dr who I really like and hope she delivers the baby). Dr. Schultz - she reminds me of you...I think that's why I really like her!
I worked on reorganizing the nursery last week and this weekend and I am really enjoying how it's turning out. We got the changing table/check of drawers f(rom my nephew Stephen who was still using the drawers!) and it really is starting to feel complete. I started to wash the bedding, blankets and some clothes this weekend too. I just know I'll feel better if I slowly get this stuff organized so I don't drive myself crazy towards the end. My mom and I also went shopping this Sat and got the mattress and returned a few little things to Babies R Us and Baby Depot and picked up a few nursing pj's and bras.
Here is a picture from the shower (notice we're starting the baby out right w/ Pittsburgh Steeler and Pirate gear compliments of Ms. Natalie Dipasqaule) :

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Week 31 - May 10. 2007
I got this a email forward from Denise called The Mommy Test - I had to share:
I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her> mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. "Why?" my daughter asked. "Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty, and probably has germs" I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Mommy, how do you know all this > stuff, you are so smart." I was thinking quickly. "All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you don't pass the test you have to be the daddy." "Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face.
Sorry to all the wonderful Dad's out there - just thought this was cute :)
The shower was a big success on Sat. Thanks to all for attending and for all of the amazing gifts. I have to get some pics posted! We also celebrated (well not exactly celebrated) Dave's 31st birthday this week....the week has been so busy so we'll squeeze in some celebrating this weekend!
I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her> mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. "Why?" my daughter asked. "Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty, and probably has germs" I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Mommy, how do you know all this > stuff, you are so smart." I was thinking quickly. "All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you don't pass the test you have to be the daddy." "Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face.
Sorry to all the wonderful Dad's out there - just thought this was cute :)
The shower was a big success on Sat. Thanks to all for attending and for all of the amazing gifts. I have to get some pics posted! We also celebrated (well not exactly celebrated) Dave's 31st birthday this week....the week has been so busy so we'll squeeze in some celebrating this weekend!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Week 30 - May 4, 2007
So, yet another fun car story to share....I called and signed up for AAA after I got a flat tire on my way to work this morning. I was driving on the Parkway near the Edgewood exit and some guy started beeping at me and told me by back tire was flat (thank God he did!). So I pulled over at Edgewood, pulled into the Sunoco by my brother Ryan's house and called him to come put my donut on. There was a big nail or staple in the tire. I owe Ryan big time for helping me out! So I went to Import/Export Tire (didn't even attempt to go to work) and they had to replace the tire. I drove on it too long so they couldn't just repair it. So $75 and 3 hrs later I'm at home. Not a good way to start my weekend, but at least that nice guy told me my tire was flat, I didn't break down in the Squirrel Hill tunnel and Ryan was able to come help me. I guess I couldn't tell it was flat because I wasn't going fast enough!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Week 30 - May 3, 2007
Meant to post earlier in the week and rave about my weekend trip to the Hershey Spa...I guess I was too relaxed to do anything - lol! Went to the spa with Jenny, Amber, Megan, Julie, Lindy, Chrissy and Jenny's friend Amy and we had a blast. I had a prenatal massage, the chocolate bean polish and the cuban (mojito) pedicure. It was just what I needed. We all relaxed, ate, got pampered and shopped. I highly reccommend that if you need a weekend away that you check out the spa - it was sooooo fantastic :
Dave on the other hand, spent the weekend roughing it in Punxy turkey hunting and fishing w/ Lurch, Rob and Bronson.

Hard to believe the baby shower is this weekend - can't wait to see everyone and see all the fun things that are in store for Little B :)
Dave on the other hand, spent the weekend roughing it in Punxy turkey hunting and fishing w/ Lurch, Rob and Bronson.

Hard to believe the baby shower is this weekend - can't wait to see everyone and see all the fun things that are in store for Little B :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Week 29 - April 24, 2006
When you say the word 'Baby Boom' or 'Baby Explosion' up in the dictionary, you might see a picture of my gang of's official - the boom is on! So, just to give you a sense, here is the latest on who is all expecting:
- Meghan and Matt Wagner (Boston, MA)- due August (and as Meghan shared with the KSU girls in an email, we are all having kids in the year of the Golden Pig as she learned from her collegues:)
- Andria and Jeff Slavick (Mt. Pleasant, PA) - due October 18 (the baby's room will no doubt be Ang's favorite color - blue)
- Michelle, Shawn and Austin Ulery (United, PA) - having baby #2 in October (have moved in with Michelle's parents while there new dream house designed by Shawn is being built in Kecksburg)
- Anne and Harry Silvis (Hurricane, WV) - due October 31 (Anne and I are both October babies and I told her she needs to have Baby Silvis on my b-day on the 29). Anne and Harry have started a blog of there own as well:
- Cheri and Nick Magistrelli (Westlake, OH) - due in November (As Cheri put it, they'll be finding out if the baby is wearing a wrestling singlet or a bikini!)
Girls - if I don't have your date filled, that means I've forgotten so send me a reminder!
I am so excited that we are all going to be sharing in this fun time together!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Week 28 - April 22, 2007

Had a great weekend at PSU and enjoyed the spring football game. The weather was just fantastic between 70-80 degrees. And as promised - I've got pics to show that Baby B is growing. Especially since we were with the Dixon's, they are always good with pictures. Their son Jack officially attended his second tailgate and was just a champ - mom and dad are grooming him to be a world-class tailgater! I'm sure Baby B will be learning some of these skills soon as well.

Friday, April 20, 2007
Week 28 - April 20, 2007
So I know everyone keeps asking for pictures to see how much I've grown - I swear I will try to get a pic posted soon. Not to sound vain, but Dave has taken 2-3 pictures of me over the last few weeks that I keep meaning to post but I really don't look so good in any of them (I need to stop trying to take them at the end of the day when I am clearly tired and look it!) With the weather finally turning into spring like temps this weekend, I'll try to get a nice pic of me outside in the sunshine. We're headed up to State College to visit Matt, Jenny, Jack, Rob and Amber and watch the spring football game so I'm sure I'll have pics from the weekend to post.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Week 26 - April 7, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
Week 26 - April 6, 2007
Wanted to share some exciting baby news about Rodney and Jenny Schmucker - they welcomed their new daughter Avary Grace on April 5 at 5:33 PM. She weighed 7 lb. 3 oz. and is 19 1/2 in. long. Mom and baby are doing well - we're so excited for them. Congrats Rod and Jenny :)

Baby B is doing well too - getting very active and is really enjoying pushing or sitting on my bladder. I'm about to move my office into the bathroom :) Besides that, not too much new to report. Finished registering at Babies R Us, Baby Depot (Burlington) and about stressful. Alicia was a huge help in guiding me to what I really need and probably won't use - thx Alicia! There are just so many things to pick from!
Finally got the bedding that I ordered too and I love it! We're going with the pastel stripes and polka dots ( Once we get the crib set up w/ the bedding on it I'll post a picture!
Hope everyone has a happy Easter!

Baby B is doing well too - getting very active and is really enjoying pushing or sitting on my bladder. I'm about to move my office into the bathroom :) Besides that, not too much new to report. Finished registering at Babies R Us, Baby Depot (Burlington) and about stressful. Alicia was a huge help in guiding me to what I really need and probably won't use - thx Alicia! There are just so many things to pick from!
Finally got the bedding that I ordered too and I love it! We're going with the pastel stripes and polka dots ( Once we get the crib set up w/ the bedding on it I'll post a picture!
Hope everyone has a happy Easter!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Week 24 - March 28, 2007
Quick post - went to the Dr. on Monday and all is still moving along. Per the ultrasound last week or the week before we are still on track for a July 18th due date. All looked good in the pictures and they aren't sending me back for another sonogram for a profile of the face (even though they didn't get a good picture the 1st time!) Have to do the fun glucose test on 4/23 so hopefully that test turns out ok. The nurse told me after the next 2 appointments, I'll be moving to bi-weekly appointments - wow, that brought a dose of reality meaning that July is going to be here before we know it!
My mom and I will be heading out on Sat. to finish up my registry - wish me luck :) (This is a bit stressful!)
I'm blogging from Asheville, NC tonight - in town for client meetings for our Asheville CVB client ( - check out some of our good work :) And the eating is fantastic down here! We had an awesome dinner and I can't wait to eat tomorrow - ha ha!
My mom and I will be heading out on Sat. to finish up my registry - wish me luck :) (This is a bit stressful!)
I'm blogging from Asheville, NC tonight - in town for client meetings for our Asheville CVB client ( - check out some of our good work :) And the eating is fantastic down here! We had an awesome dinner and I can't wait to eat tomorrow - ha ha!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Week 24 - March 22, 2007
So, I was thinking about writing my blog entry to say what an exhausting week it's been. I just couldn't seem to catch up on enough rest....then tonight was just the icing on the cake. My car broke down (no worries, I was in a safe place). BUT it could have been a nightmare because I did my normal hour commute home on an apparently broken tire arm which kind of means I had no steering ability in my right front tire. I pulled out of the office around 5 to get to my 6:30 hair cut appt. and heard a kind of crack when I made hard right turn. Not good. So then I had to make another right hand, heard the crack again and had a hell of a time straightening my car out. By that point, I was almost on the parkway and really had no where to pull over so I held my breath and decided to go for it and see if I could make it home. I honestly had to have had an angel watching over me today. I made it thru the hour drive by holding onto the steering wheel pretty tight for an hr and going pretty slow. So I pulled into Shear Magic and that's where the tire arm apparently just broke. So my card was stuck in the middle of the parking lot at the hair salon but luckily I wasn't blocking any other customers in. I was the talk of the salon. Dave met me there about 15 min. later and we called a tow truck to take the Sebring away :( Quite a sad moment to see your car on that flatbed, but hopefully it will be ok. The tow truck guy really wanted to know how I got from Pittsburgh to Greensburg - I told him I had my angel w/ me :) And not to leave anything out, I slipped going down the stairs this morning because my freakin' shoes are like slippers on the bottom! I managed to stay upright and catch myself on the underside of my right arm...I've got a nice bruise there. So all of that being said, I'm ready for this week to be over. The baby has been keeping me awake at night - he/she is an active little bugger :) But that is also a comforting sign that all is going well so that's the good news for this week.
Lastly, I just saw a commercial for the new 2008 Dodge Avenger
(for those of you that don't know, the Avenger was my first car and I loved it!) so maybe I'll look into getting a pretty metallic red new car and be a really cool new mom :) This is my way of making myself feel better right now - lol!
Lastly, I just saw a commercial for the new 2008 Dodge Avenger
(for those of you that don't know, the Avenger was my first car and I loved it!) so maybe I'll look into getting a pretty metallic red new car and be a really cool new mom :) This is my way of making myself feel better right now - lol!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Week 22 - March 12, 2007
Exciting stuff last night - the baby was moving around like crazy. Dave was even able to feel him/her moving. Must have been all the sugar I ate yesterday :) I have noticed more movement in the evening for sure.
As promised, I am finally posting a picture of me - not a whole lot to can tell the belly is growing (along w/ the butt!) Enjoy :)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Week 22 - March 11, 2007
Went to the dr. on Monday for the sonogram - it was amazing! They show you so much about the baby. Dave and I had no idea what all we were going to see - we saw all 4 ventricles of the heart, stomach, heart, all the bones in the hands and feet, arms bones, leg bones (and I'm sure I'm forgetting something!) They weren't able to get a good profile because Baby B wasn't moving the right way to get a pic taken!
As some of you know, my friend Brandy and I have due dates about a week apart and I finally saw her last night for the first time since Christmas. After seeing how much she's showing vs. how much I'm not, we're thinking she's further along and I'm not as far as they think...gotta love how we self diagnose :)
As some of you know, my friend Brandy and I have due dates about a week apart and I finally saw her last night for the first time since Christmas. After seeing how much she's showing vs. how much I'm not, we're thinking she's further along and I'm not as far as they think...gotta love how we self diagnose :)
On another note, went to see Jamie and Andrea's new house on Fri. night -'s beautiful! It's fun to see how excited they are for the new big house.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Week 21 - March 1, 2007
Can't believe it's March already, but I am definitley ready for spring. I was traveling yesterday and was in Charlotte, NC and it was 65 and sunny. I want to move there :)
Nothing too new to report...have my sonogram scheduled on Mon. morning (3/5) so Dave and I are looking forward to that! I've worn 2 pairs of maternity pants so far - they just feel so weird. Granted, they are much more comfortable than regular pants at this point but it's still strange. The jeans I bought may be too big but I just know I'll be growing into them.
Nothing too new to report...have my sonogram scheduled on Mon. morning (3/5) so Dave and I are looking forward to that! I've worn 2 pairs of maternity pants so far - they just feel so weird. Granted, they are much more comfortable than regular pants at this point but it's still strange. The jeans I bought may be too big but I just know I'll be growing into them.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Week 20 - February 25, 2007
Did some more work on clearing out the computer room - amazing how much junk can be crammed into one room! My mom, Andrea and I also went to Babies R Us and Cribs to Teens this weekend to start getting ideas for the baby's room. The Cribs to Teens store is all very high end furniture and bedding (out of our price range) but soooo fun to see the beautiful stuff they had! (Thanks for the tip Jenny S.!) We did see a few bedding sets we liked at Babies R Us. Here are a few liked:
1. Bees:
2. Silver Lining (has animals):
3. Safari:
The challenge is, as I always do, I have a picture in my head of the mixture of patterns using a mix of colors and now I either have to find it or create something of my own! OR we can just do some basic pieces and mix and match the colors...I'm sure I'll figure something out - lol.
I think we might do a blue sky ceiling and some clouds in the room - my mom's idea which I really like :) We also found a glider on sale that has a pretty mint green fabric on it and the wood matches the crib. Some pictures of the room as it lives right now are below if you'd like to see (nothing exciting yet).
1. Bees:
2. Silver Lining (has animals):
3. Safari:
The challenge is, as I always do, I have a picture in my head of the mixture of patterns using a mix of colors and now I either have to find it or create something of my own! OR we can just do some basic pieces and mix and match the colors...I'm sure I'll figure something out - lol.
I think we might do a blue sky ceiling and some clouds in the room - my mom's idea which I really like :) We also found a glider on sale that has a pretty mint green fabric on it and the wood matches the crib. Some pictures of the room as it lives right now are below if you'd like to see (nothing exciting yet).
As for me personally, I'm feeling really good! I have been on a fruit kick (Amanda - you called this one!) I can't get enough sweets but the fruit kind especially smoothies. I'm watching the Oscars as I type and will be making a smoothie at the break. My new one is like Ben And Jerry's makes them - raspberry sherbet, apple juice strawberries and bananas - yummy!
We have our monthly dr. appt tomorrow so we'll let y'all know about anything new (I had the wrong date in the previous posting!)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Week 20 - February 20, 2007
So, I've been hearing some clammering that I'm not updating the blog enough...I'll try to get better and at least update it once a week (just for you Dee :)
According to my calendars, today starts 20 weeks - half way which blows my mind! Still feeling really good and definitely starting to put on a few lbs. but nothing out of the normal range (thank goodness). I'm still in regular clothes but I don't think that will be the case much longer. My pants as so tight by the end of the day that it's just so uncomfortable so I'm got to break down and start wearing some maternity pants of just more stretchy pants. I bought some cute gaucho pants from Old Navy that don't look maternity like and are cute w/ knee-high boots so I'll be wearing those a lot. I was also lucky enough to get a ton of clothes from Denise and Jenny D. which is great! That will help me out tons. And I hit a good online sale on for maternity stuff.
Still struggling w/ the baby room idea - I think I'm going to stick to the possible combo of blue, green and yellow. The stuff I ordered from Landof is cute, but not as nice as I had hoped ( and a bit pricey!
I have a dr. appt on 2/29, so I'll let you all know how it goes.
According to my calendars, today starts 20 weeks - half way which blows my mind! Still feeling really good and definitely starting to put on a few lbs. but nothing out of the normal range (thank goodness). I'm still in regular clothes but I don't think that will be the case much longer. My pants as so tight by the end of the day that it's just so uncomfortable so I'm got to break down and start wearing some maternity pants of just more stretchy pants. I bought some cute gaucho pants from Old Navy that don't look maternity like and are cute w/ knee-high boots so I'll be wearing those a lot. I was also lucky enough to get a ton of clothes from Denise and Jenny D. which is great! That will help me out tons. And I hit a good online sale on for maternity stuff.
Still struggling w/ the baby room idea - I think I'm going to stick to the possible combo of blue, green and yellow. The stuff I ordered from Landof is cute, but not as nice as I had hoped ( and a bit pricey!
I have a dr. appt on 2/29, so I'll let you all know how it goes.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Week 19 - February 17, 2007
Started to feel the baby moving around this week - it's a very strange feeling! You're not really quite sure that you're feeling it and then you just think, well what else could be stirring in my stomach like that :)
Had fun at Jenny Schmucker's shower today - just a preview of all of hte stuff we're going to need. It's amazing how much a little baby can need.
With all of the snow we got this week, Dave and I got a jump on moving all of the junk from the computer room (future baby's room) to the game room. We rerranged all of the gameroom furniture as well - after about 6-7 arrangments, we finally found a winner! The next blog posting will have pictures of the baby's room before and during....I'm sure this is going to be a long process until I make up my mind what colors I'm going with for the room. Most likely blue, green and yellow.
Had fun at Jenny Schmucker's shower today - just a preview of all of hte stuff we're going to need. It's amazing how much a little baby can need.
With all of the snow we got this week, Dave and I got a jump on moving all of the junk from the computer room (future baby's room) to the game room. We rerranged all of the gameroom furniture as well - after about 6-7 arrangments, we finally found a winner! The next blog posting will have pictures of the baby's room before and during....I'm sure this is going to be a long process until I make up my mind what colors I'm going with for the room. Most likely blue, green and yellow.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
January 23, 2007
Went to the my doctor appointment last night...nothing too exciting to report. We were in and out in about 15 min. They checked Baby B's heartbeat and it was 152 or 153 (that was Dave's first time hearing it :) and told us all of the tests that we had done w/ the 1st Trimester Screening all came back negative - yea! We go back in another month for a checkup, so everything is moving along! I've got to get more blood taken for another birth defect test (cystic fibrosis, I think?) I'm getting used to all of the needles.
Switching to another subject, for all of you who suffered thru our flooding stories we got proof last week that the sump pumps we put in actually work! It was kind of a good and a bad feeling - bad because we knew there was water (from the 3-4 days of solid rain) but good because it justifies all the money we put into the stupid sump pump system! We were kind of worried that it might get that musty smell going, but it didn't. So we were pretty happy :)
Switching to another subject, for all of you who suffered thru our flooding stories we got proof last week that the sump pumps we put in actually work! It was kind of a good and a bad feeling - bad because we knew there was water (from the 3-4 days of solid rain) but good because it justifies all the money we put into the stupid sump pump system! We were kind of worried that it might get that musty smell going, but it didn't. So we were pretty happy :)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
What's going on with us
As most of you know by now, Dave and I are expecting our first baby in mid-July! We are very excited and getting used to the news :) On Tues. 1/16/07, we just started week 15 so we're well on our way. We've already gotten sonogram pictures at our 1st Trimester Screeing but I have to get them scanned in and get them posted for you all to enjoy. I heard the heartbeat as well, but Dave missed that appointment but we both got to see the heart beating on the sonogram. I know some of you were asking about how fast the heartbeat was and it was 158. Our next appt. is on Mon. 1/22/07 so we'll let you know what else we find out.
And no, we are not planning on finding out the baby's gender. Dave and I agreed that this is one of life's great surprises so we're going to wait!
And no, we are not planning on finding out the baby's gender. Dave and I agreed that this is one of life's great surprises so we're going to wait!
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