Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What's going on with us

As most of you know by now, Dave and I are expecting our first baby in mid-July! We are very excited and getting used to the news :) On Tues. 1/16/07, we just started week 15 so we're well on our way. We've already gotten sonogram pictures at our 1st Trimester Screeing but I have to get them scanned in and get them posted for you all to enjoy. I heard the heartbeat as well, but Dave missed that appointment but we both got to see the heart beating on the sonogram. I know some of you were asking about how fast the heartbeat was and it was 158. Our next appt. is on Mon. 1/22/07 so we'll let you know what else we find out.

And no, we are not planning on finding out the baby's gender. Dave and I agreed that this is one of life's great surprises so we're going to wait!


Lisa G. said...

Congratulations to you both! That is wonderful news! A baby is such a blessing and it's so cool to hear you are waiting to find out whether it's a boy or girl!
Congrats again from our family to your's, Becky!

Lisa (Maas) Miller

Arnie said...

Uncle Arnaldo can't wait to offer advvice on this part of your journey. Congratualtions.

Unknown said...

Congrats Dave and Becky!!

scolleen13 said...

WOW! Becky that is great news! I'm so very happy for you and Dave! I'm sure your parents are thrilled! You are going to make a great mom! I hope you are feeling well - the first trimester is usually the worst. I felt great during the 2nd!

Enjoy the entire's such a miracle! Enjoy being a first-time "mommy-to-be"! It's a very special time in your life. Can't wait to see the sono pics! I send all three of you my love!

Big smiles,

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Maybe baby Bulebosh can dorm with baby Wagner, baby Lemieux and Jack Napieralski at Kent in 2025!