Had a dr. appt this morning and all is moving right along as planned. The belly measured almost 32" which is right in line with me being about 32 weeks. Fun part is, I actually lost a pound from 2 weeks ago - yea! I'm up about a total of 20 lbs., so we'll see if we can keep it under 30 over the next 7-8 weeks. I met with Dr. Bishop today (young dr who I really like and hope she delivers the baby). Dr. Schultz - she reminds me of you...I think that's why I really like her!
I worked on reorganizing the nursery last week and this weekend and I am really enjoying how it's turning out. We got the changing table/check of drawers f(rom my nephew Stephen who was still using the drawers!) and it really is starting to feel complete. I started to wash the bedding, blankets and some clothes this weekend too. I just know I'll feel better if I slowly get this stuff organized so I don't drive myself crazy towards the end. My mom and I also went shopping this Sat and got the mattress and returned a few little things to Babies R Us and Baby Depot and picked up a few nursing pj's and bras.
Here is a picture from the shower (notice we're starting the baby out right w/ Pittsburgh Steeler and Pirate gear compliments of Ms. Natalie Dipasqaule) :

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