Weighing in at 15 lbs. 14 oz. and 26.5" is Luke Bulebosh! Just had the little bruiser at the doctor's and he's growing fast. Dave and I were just looking at him the other night and couldn't get over how big he's gotten and that he's fast approaching 6 months! We also starting giving him cereal abouit 2 weeks ago and he loves it!

So we'll be introducing veggies and fruits soon. We've finally got the excezma under control...you'll see how bad it was in some of the pics we took (http://bulebosh.shutterfly.com/) but it's all better now!
Luke is also really enjoying the Jumperoo. His head it getting much stronger but he still looks like a bobble head some of the time :)
We also just discovered this morning that he's got 2 teeth on the bottom about to pop thru. I knew they had to be coming because he's been drooling like a faucet and chewing on his hands. Plus he had a crying fit yesterday which is not like him!
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