Sunday, March 11, 2007

Week 22 - March 11, 2007

Went to the dr. on Monday for the sonogram - it was amazing! They show you so much about the baby. Dave and I had no idea what all we were going to see - we saw all 4 ventricles of the heart, stomach, heart, all the bones in the hands and feet, arms bones, leg bones (and I'm sure I'm forgetting something!) They weren't able to get a good profile because Baby B wasn't moving the right way to get a pic taken!

As some of you know, my friend Brandy and I have due dates about a week apart and I finally saw her last night for the first time since Christmas. After seeing how much she's showing vs. how much I'm not, we're thinking she's further along and I'm not as far as they think...gotta love how we self diagnose :)

On another note, went to see Jamie and Andrea's new house on Fri. night -'s beautiful! It's fun to see how excited they are for the new big house.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally, I've been waiting since the fifth for an update! I am glad everything is going smoothly for you and the baby. I am going to Alison's shower this coming Sunday, so I'll fill you in! Keep the updates coming!