Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Quick Update - We're moved; 26 weeks
We are officially in the new house as of 11/7! We made a lot of progress unpacking over the weekend and I'll post some pics once we get the Internet and TVs hooked up on the 14th. I am dying without Internet at home :( We are also 26 weeks into the pregnancy and into the last trimester - hard to believe. Lots of unpacking still left to do, but we'll get to it.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Baby B2 update - 20 weeks

Can you believe the pregnancy is half over all ready? I can't - it's going so fast! We had my sonogram on Friday morning and he/she is looking pretty good in there. The pics belwo show mainly face profile pics and one of the leg and foot. Unlike Luke, we were able to get profile shots this time...Luke hid his face for his sonogram. I'm still feeling good. The belly popped about 2 weeks ago so I'm intot he maternity clothes. I seem to be carrying very similar to Luke, but have had a few dreams that it's a girl and then Luke's fortune cookie was teaching him how to say Sister in Chinese so that was a bit eerie!
House Update - We're Moving!
Well, it's pretty close to official that we're moving. We got an offer on our house a week after we listed it w/ the realtor. Most of the papers are signed, inspections are done, loans approved, so it's the minor details at this point. I think Dave and I were both excited and a bit shocked that is sold that fast. So we've got less than a month before we move the pressure is on. We close on the new house on Nov. 7, so we're trying to coordinate move in dates now. We're hoping for the weekend before, Nov. 1 - we'll see. And we'll keep you all posted with the new address and if we need any help :)
Luke's 1st haircut
Since our curlyque little guy's hair was getting too long (yes, being mistaken for a girl) we had to get the first hair cut. So we called Ryan's girlfriend Gina's mom, Pam to do the honors. We started out doing ok, but Luke got a little scared once the actual cutting got started. But all said and done, he did pretty good. He especially like when he got to spin in the chair afterwards. The funny thing is, it's been a few weeks since the cut and he's ready for another one already.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Baby B2 is on the way!
Well, we've been enjoying Luke so much, that we decided to have another baby :) Baby B2 is due Feb. 19 and we are very excited. We're at 15 weeks already and I've been feeling pretty good, just like with Luke. I have a 2.5-3 week tired phase but that is over and no sickness thank goodness!. Things have been busy here as Dave started back to school this week and we're also trying to sell our house ( I feel bad that I haven't been able to call everyone personally to tell them the good news, but please do call us and we'll share more details! We are going to let it be surprise to see if Luke is getting a brother or sister. Here are the 1st Trismester sonogram pics of our baby:

Luke and I spent the day shopping at the mall with Grammy M. We're headed up to see Grammy and Pappy B. at camp on Sunday for the day. Luke and I will be listening to the Latrobe vs. Derry game and the Mt. Pleasant vs. McGuffey game tonight. Our nephews Michael and Stephen are both starting for Mt. Pleasant so I think Luke and I might be attending Mommy's alma mater more than the Latrobe (Daddy's alma mater) to watch the boys play. And our niece Kristen is cheering for Mt. Pleasant too so Dave is outnumbered 3 to 1 in favor of us going to the Mt. Pleasant games.
Here are a few of our latest pics:
Luke helping Daddy put together the fire pit
Pics from Idelwild: Raggedy Ann and Andy & Luke
Pics from Idelwild: Luke in the Big Shoe from There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In Shoe
Pics from Idelwild: Mommy & Luke in the Pumpkin from Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater3
Pics from Idelwild: Family shot on the Good Ship Lollypop
Luke & Jack digging in the dirt
Luke playing w/ all of his birthday toys
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Our baby is 1!
Wow - when people say that your babies grow up too fast, they weren't kidding! Luke turned 1 on July 1. We're doing a lot of practice eating cake and ice cream and blowing out candles - that's the fun stuff. Grammy and Pappy Costic brought him balloons which he just loved. Uncle Mike, Aunt Denise and kids brought him his first sand box taht is currently empty because he's having so much fun just crawling in and out of it empty. You've got to love that the simple things are what kids love the most.

The past three months have been pretty busy, so I apologize for the infrequent updates. Dave finished up school in May and since then, it's been non-stop activities. We've had Dave's birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Amy's birthday (which was my first girls night out in too long, lots of fun!) and we just got back from a week long trip to Myrtle beach. Luke loved the beach - the sand, waves and water were so much fun for him. He loves to be in the water so that will work out well when we go to swim lessons in the fall. Our latest pics are posted:
We've also started to consider moving since we are easily outgrowing our house already. The thought of moving is scary to me right now, but hopefully we'll find what we're looking for.
Work has been busy for me and Dave has been at the school for conditioning and he only has a few weeks before August gets here and it's full time football during the day and Daddy and Luke's first special summer adventure will be over. (I get jealous that they get to hang out and play during the day because I know they are having so much fun together.)
We'll be having a party to Luke, so I promise to get pics up after that. Can't wait to see him dig into the cake.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
9 months & walking

Luke is on his feet and on the move....he practiced all day Sunday starting with shuffling about 2-3 steps and then he just took off across Grammy and Pappy's family room. It's so exciting but so shocking...not sure Dave and I are ready for it but there's no turning back now! Luke has been so much fun and so pleasant the past month and just changing so fast. We hosted Easter at our place which went really well. We had both sides of the family there and even had my aunts and cousins come too (my cousin Natalie from New Orleans finally got to meet Luke for the 1st time!)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Movin' Along - Month 8 update
It's official - Luke is mobile and vocal. He's crawling around everywhere as of this weekend, pulling himself up and you can tell he is just itching to be walking on his own. And the jibberish he's been talking is just hilarious. He looks at you and just wants to talk so he does - you just have no idea what he's saying. It's great! We took him to dinner at TGI Fridays last night and he smiled at all of the waitresses and was really good. He likes being out and about and charming the ladies.
My friend Christian that I work with shared a new site with me: This is his wife Loree's creative and I just love it! I know you guys will really enjoy it since because it's just a great, unique idea. I know I love buying gifts that are personal and unique, so check it out!
I'll be posting some new pics this weekend since my girlfriends are coming over with some of the kids so it should be good, lol!
My friend Christian that I work with shared a new site with me: This is his wife Loree's creative and I just love it! I know you guys will really enjoy it since because it's just a great, unique idea. I know I love buying gifts that are personal and unique, so check it out!
I'll be posting some new pics this weekend since my girlfriends are coming over with some of the kids so it should be good, lol!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Month 7 Update
It's amazing how fast time these first 7 months have gone. Luke is already enjoying Cheerios and drinking out of his sippy
We took Luke to get his 6 month portrait (his 1st professional pictures) and he screamed his head off! After we calmed him down, we did some cute shots. The crying one is pretty comical :)

Things are going well with Dave and I too Wrestling is done - yea! My new job at Smith Brothers Agency is going really well. We even managed to get away for an evening and left Luke for his 2nd sleepover at Uncle Jamie and Aunt Andreas. He was really good! Dave and I just went into Pittsburgh for dinner and drinks and stayed over night.
We also found out that our friends who live in FL near Miami are expecting twins this exciting! Congrats Bryan and Cristina! (They called from the plane on their way to Mardi Gras with the good news.) I also found out a friend from high school, Lisa (Pfeifer) Sweeney is expecting a little girl in April...such good news!
I added a link to another blog on the right...the Venzon Foursome. My friend Amy passed it along...her friend Kelly has friends (Lisa and Tony) who are expecting quadruplets! The pics and the story are amazing. At 24 weeks, Lisa is the size of a full term 40 week pregnany woman. God bless you Lisa! I don't know Lisa and Tony but we wish them all the best.
I'm headed to see the Lion King at the Benedum today - should be a great show. Signing off for now...
We took Luke to get his 6 month portrait (his 1st professional pictures) and he screamed his head off! After we calmed him down, we did some cute shots. The crying one is pretty comical :)

Things are going well with Dave and I too Wrestling is done - yea! My new job at Smith Brothers Agency is going really well. We even managed to get away for an evening and left Luke for his 2nd sleepover at Uncle Jamie and Aunt Andreas. He was really good! Dave and I just went into Pittsburgh for dinner and drinks and stayed over night.
We also found out that our friends who live in FL near Miami are expecting twins this exciting! Congrats Bryan and Cristina! (They called from the plane on their way to Mardi Gras with the good news.) I also found out a friend from high school, Lisa (Pfeifer) Sweeney is expecting a little girl in April...such good news!
I added a link to another blog on the right...the Venzon Foursome. My friend Amy passed it along...her friend Kelly has friends (Lisa and Tony) who are expecting quadruplets! The pics and the story are amazing. At 24 weeks, Lisa is the size of a full term 40 week pregnany woman. God bless you Lisa! I don't know Lisa and Tony but we wish them all the best.
I'm headed to see the Lion King at the Benedum today - should be a great show. Signing off for now...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
6 Month Update
I've really been slacking on the blog updates, but here's the latest on the Bulebosh's - especially Luke :)
We just got home from our 6 month checkup with Dr. Indorato. Mr. Luke weighs in at 18 lbs on the nose (60th percentile) and is 27.5" long (88th percentile). He got 4 shots and was not a happy camper during that but did pretty well considering. His next check up isn't until spring for the 9 month milestone! Even more exciting, he gets to start to eat starches (bring on the Cheerios) and meats! I think that visit this morning wore him out so he's sleeping. Here are some pics of him enjoying his Sing and Play stage...funny part is, he wants to stand in front of it instead of sit. You'll also notice his first piece of Pitt gear - his hat from Miss and Boomer. He's too cute in it!

We just got home from our 6 month checkup with Dr. Indorato. Mr. Luke weighs in at 18 lbs on the nose (60th percentile) and is 27.5" long (88th percentile). He got 4 shots and was not a happy camper during that but did pretty well considering. His next check up isn't until spring for the 9 month milestone! Even more exciting, he gets to start to eat starches (bring on the Cheerios) and meats! I think that visit this morning wore him out so he's sleeping. Here are some pics of him enjoying his Sing and Play stage...funny part is, he wants to stand in front of it instead of sit. You'll also notice his first piece of Pitt gear - his hat from Miss and Boomer. He's too cute in it!
Dave and I have been keeping busy. I've decided to change jobs. Yesterday was my last day at Ripple Effects and I'll be going to Smith Brothers Interactive to be their Online Marketing Director starting on Tuesday. I've very excited to be joining a group of former co-workers. It's funny how you realize what a connection you have with co-workers once they are all gone and it's very rare that you get to work with all of them again. I'm really looking forward to it :) I'll be working 4 days a week: Off on Mondays, in the office probably 3 days and working from home on Fridays. That will be so nice in the summer's when Dave is off - bring on the quality family time!
Dave is in the busiest part of wrestling season. He's got a few weekend tournaments and lots of matches during the week. But his Jr. High squad is doing pretty well! They just came back from a 32 point deficit to beat Kiski last night. Dave also just got his first student teacher. His student teacher is a bit older, has a family and working night shift. He must be really dedicated to be working such a crazy schedule! I'm sure Dave will enjoy have a student teacher.
We're looking forward to planning a vacation to the beach at the end of June - probably to Myrtle Beach. We'll keep everyone posted to see who else wants to go!
Hopefully I'll post sooner than Luke's 9 month checkup - but I make no promises!
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