Well, we've been enjoying Luke so much, that we decided to have another baby :) Baby B2 is due Feb. 19 and we are very excited. We're at 15 weeks already and I've been feeling pretty good, just like with Luke. I have a 2.5-3 week tired phase but that is over and no sickness thank goodness!. Things have been busy here as Dave started back to school this week and we're also trying to sell our house (www.forsalebyowner.com/21803393). I feel bad that I haven't been able to call everyone personally to tell them the good news, but please do call us and we'll share more details! We are going to let it be surprise to see if Luke is getting a brother or sister. Here are the 1st Trismester sonogram pics of our baby:

Luke and I spent the day shopping at the mall with Grammy M. We're headed up to see Grammy and Pappy B. at camp on Sunday for the day. Luke and I will be listening to the Latrobe vs. Derry game and the Mt. Pleasant vs. McGuffey game tonight. Our nephews Michael and Stephen are both starting for Mt. Pleasant so I think Luke and I might be attending Mommy's alma mater more than the Latrobe (Daddy's alma mater) to watch the boys play. And our niece Kristen is cheering for Mt. Pleasant too so Dave is outnumbered 3 to 1 in favor of us going to the Mt. Pleasant games.
Here are a few of our latest pics:
Luke helping Daddy put together the fire pit
Pics from Idelwild: Raggedy Ann and Andy & Luke
Pics from Idelwild: Luke in the Big Shoe from There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In Shoe
Pics from Idelwild: Mommy & Luke in the Pumpkin from Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater3
Pics from Idelwild: Family shot on the Good Ship Lollypop
Luke & Jack digging in the dirt
Luke playing w/ all of his birthday toys