We had a fun-filled weekend for Jamie and Andrea's wedding and as Andrea said, "She's officially Luke's Aunt now!" The wedding was just awesome - I will get some pics up soon. Andrea's dress was one of the most unique and beautiful dresses I've ever seen and they make the perfect couple! Luke even came to the reception for a while to party.
It's been a crazy past few weeks with me going back to work. We found a great babysitter for Luke who lives down the street. And as all mom's know, it's the hardest thing in the world to leave them - it just takes time to get used to it (or so I'm being told!) We're lucky enough that I have a flexible job so I'm at home 2 days a week and my mom is watching Luke the other day.
We have been able to squeeze in a few fun actitivites despite our busy schedule. We took Luke to the pumpkin patch to pick his first pumpkin :) He looks excited doesn't he - ha ha!