Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Week 37 - June 20, 2007

After much procrastinating I am finally posting another picture of myself to show some of you how the belly has grown - enjoy :) Dave and I went on a tour of Magee Hospital tonight and for those of you who know how much I loooove hospitals (insert sarcastic tone here), you'll be happy to know I did well. It didn't have an overwhelming 'sick' smell since it's mainly baby business a Magee. That's probably why Magee is a wise choice for me! Only about 4 more weeks till my due date....I'd love to aim for a July 4th baby (this one's for you Jenny D!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Week 36 - June 13, 2006

I now understand what they mean when they say you're going to get tired again in the 3rd trimester! I think I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping up w/ everything that needs done, but my concentration level isn't exactly there right now. For example, I should be working on a proposal for work right now and just can't focus...oh well, it will get done. I just want to make sure I have as much work related stuff organized before I'm off.

We've started the weekly dr. appointments every Mon. morning. The dr. said that it didn't look like the baby had dropped anymore from the previous week. Besides that, it's just the routine weigh in, blood pressure and measurement. And now that Dave is off school, he gets to go with me every Monday :)

Still no strong feeling whether it's a boy or a girl.

Since Dave's been off of school, he's been busy around the house finishing some landscaping, putting doors below the deck, planting our first garden, keeping the cars clean...but not to worry he's been able to get in some fishing time! He took his annual trip up to Coach Billett's cabin to do some fly fishing after school ended. I've kept my activities and cleanings mainly indoors since the heat is not my friend which is unusual for me (unless I'm in the pool.) I was able to get some pool time in at my Mom and Dad's on Sunday which was much needed. I love that weightless feeling in the pool - very nice. And I just keep trying to do little things in the baby's room. We've managed to clean out some of the closet in that room to make room for Baby B's things, but Dave and I still have some more organizing to do there!